Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Yesterday, we in the Northern Hemisphere were blessed to rise with the sun on its longest shining day of the year.

Yesterday, I had a meditation focusing on bringing balance forth in all areas of my life and for the benefit of those connected to me.

At times, we say things like "Just BE.", which, in essence, is a beauty-full thing. Yet, if we recognize that there are things we could be doing to "Just BE BETTER", we should work towards applying these things into our daily routine. In my opinion, just BEing is not only non-productive, but also counter-revolutionary.

My empowerment coach has helped me to see things in mySelf in the last week that I had previously avoided acknowledging. I am thank-full for all of my teachers and the connection they have to me and to the forces of nature.

Nature is aligning and re-aligning itself at this very moment to ensure that we can partake of all the blessings that the universe offers up to us. We need only make time and decide to receive them.

Be Accepting...Be Peace...Be Love...Be Better!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

For Tacuma

In seven days, one of my best friends would have turned 26 years old. Even though he is not here with me in the physical, his energy greatly influences my choices, decisions and outcomes of situations I encounter on a day-to-day basis.

Today...for the next seven days...for every day that I draw breath, I give thanks for having him in my life.

I'Akobi Tacuma Hembadoon

by Ayesha NuRa - 2008

When we were children and I thought you left me, I cried a lake. Now, years later, my tears have transformed the vibration of the water, swollen it, and the dams have burst, forcing my lake to flow unhindered into a river. And though the river has changed from a raging current to a trickling stream, it leads slowly and softly into the ocean of tears shed by all your loved ones.

At times, it seemed that my daily intake of water could never replenish the water I'd shed over our separation.

And then you returned, to quench my thirst and soothe my soul. To fill my heart with the love and compassion I've grown to expect whenever I feel your presence.

And I realize, if I've ever realized anything in this entire lifetime, that you've never left me. And our bond grows stronger as I grow closer to the Divine and closer to you.

And still, I CRY I. Yet, my tears have been altered. From tears of sorrow and pain and guilt from, "Why didn't I"s to tears of elation because I can feel you in the wind and I see you in the faces of the children I lead. When they ask, "What happened to Uncle I'Akobi?" I can say, "He made a sacrifice so your freedom would be guaranteed."

Because you knew that our spiritual growth was never a want but a desperate need, I see clearly now that you merely planted a seed. A seed that I must now nurture and grow to fruition. A seed of faith, strength, endurance and love. And I must water this seed with exactly what it encompasses to ensure its eternal life and ours.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Love without a limit

"Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy." This line begins one of the most profound children's stories of unconditional love, penned by Shel Silverstein.

Loving unconditionally should be as natural as inhaling and exhaling. Yet, for a people who have forgotten how to breathe diaphragmatically, it is no surprise that we have forgotten how to love.

Hence, we are now faced with the challenge of re-learning. Renewing the knowledge that our hearts and spirits naturally gravitate toward before we begin to over-analyze everything.

My brother Dje-Sun once said, "When I say, 'I love.', it is the same thing as me saying, 'I law.'" He was speaking about living his life in accordance with the 42 Laws of Maat. In short, him being truthful and just to all those he came into contact with was equivalent to him loving unconditionally.

Unconditional love is not merely the ability of an individual to love another despite all of their differences or despite the perceived faults that another person may possess. It is the ability to do all of the above while seeing yourself in that said individual and in the rest of humanity. To be able to hold yourself and others to the standards that you aim to achieve while being non-judgemental and supportive is truly divine.


"Strengthening my commitment to love the ocean. ~ Signed, the wave." - NuRa

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A moment in time

Yesterday, I received a sign. I received the same sign from multiple people. And there was a moment, that may have lasted for literally less than 3 seconds. In that moment, I knew, with NO doubt in my mind, that I have found the medium, the tool that will help me to achieve my purpose this lifetime.

At times, we will be tested. Our challenge is to be able to stand in the midst of these hardships and see our growth.

In the past few weeks, I witnessed my best friend reflect on situations she's been through and be completely true with herself. This inspires me to no end. Her ability to continuously delve deeper into herself and come up with new solutions and a new will to always win urges those of us around her to strive harder to be what we are originally...completely and utterly divine.

My Sun said, "We die...and we come back...and we die...and we come back." We literally have forever to get this right, yet do your best everyday, so everyday, your best will be better.


Monday, January 31, 2011


In Deepak Chopra's "A Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing", he speaks of how we heal in layers. At first, this concept sounded like it made sense, yet once applied to my everyday existence, the concept resonated in every particle of my being.

In the past, I have had issues with commitment in relationships. Yet, recently I have taken those fears and faced them, stopping my commitment issues in their tracks. Lately, that the commitment issue is no longer present...I am realizing that it was simply covering deeper issues. Hence, the "layers" that need to be addressed and healed.

As children, young babies specifically, we are cocooned in love and positive energy. There comes a time in every child's life where it has to be left alone. That love and positive energy that was so readily available is not present at all times. The fact that our parents will not always be there to protect us arises along with a false notion. That notion being that love and positive energy will not be there to protect us either.

Love and positive energy (Spirit) are always around...inside and outside...of us.

Today, I practice what I call a Love Reflection. The love that I so readily give to those around me, I turn and give to mySelf. The only way to heal layers of dis-ease is to continuously strive to be attentive to the messages that your Self is sending to you. I quiet my person to hear. Balance.
