Yesterday, I received a sign. I received the same sign from multiple people. And there was a moment, that may have lasted for literally less than 3 seconds. In that moment, I knew, with NO doubt in my mind, that I have found the medium, the tool that will help me to achieve my purpose this lifetime.
At times, we will be tested. Our challenge is to be able to stand in the midst of these hardships and see our growth.
In the past few weeks, I witnessed my best friend reflect on situations she's been through and be completely true with herself. This inspires me to no end. Her ability to continuously delve deeper into herself and come up with new solutions and a new will to always win urges those of us around her to strive harder to be what we are originally...completely and utterly divine.
My Sun said, "We die...and we come back...and we die...and we come back." We literally have forever to get this right, yet do your best everyday, so everyday, your best will be better.
Beautiful Esh, we learn, grow... and learn again! Soo thankful for Wisdom in tht growth. And I consider each and everyone who shows me myself a piece of my wisdom. Love you...
ReplyDeleteIt often takes but a moment....and often many of us miss it! I'm extremely happy that you were open to receive your divine message in your moment. Ashe...